Book on sculptures of Janos Kalmar by Sándor Randóti – publisher: Hungart 2012

Posted on: December 6th, 2014 by janoskalmar

This book was published in 2012 considering the artistic career of Janos Kalmar sculptor from the beginning of his early studies. You may read the book on clicking on the link below: Sculptures of Janos Kalmar

BRAFA 25 January – 2 February 2014 Gallery Martel-Greiner presents Janos Kalmar

Posted on: February 10th, 2014 by janoskalmar

BRAFA 25 January – 2 February 2014 Gallery Martel-Greiner presents Janos Kalmar

New works 2013

Posted on: November 1st, 2013 by janoskalmar

 Two new sculptures has been completed and added to my site.

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