New sculptures have been added to my site

Posted on: June 27th, 2015 by janoskalmar

New sculptures have been added to my site: Spiritual Gravitation VI. 19x80x17 cm geopolymer, pigment 2015   Spiritual Gravitation VII. 212x80x23 cm geopolymer, pigment 2015  

New sculptures from ancient material

Posted on: June 10th, 2015 by janoskalmar

New sculptures from ancient material: from the end of 2014 I made a new serie ‘Spiritual Gravitation’ from an ancient material, geopolymer, that is 3000 years old. I know, I speak a dumb language of 35000 years. I am creating sacral space by installing primeval signs of sculpture, drawing and painting together. My work implies proportion in its form, measure in its changes and ethic in its happenings creating human presence for the eternal soul. In RECENT Sculptures gallery.

New sculptures with new material from ancient recipe, geopolymer are added to my site

Posted on: May 12th, 2015 by janoskalmar

New sculptures with new material from ancient recipe, geopolymer are added to my site RECENT    

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